
  • 公司: 北京中科慧居科技有限公司
  • 地址: 北京 朝阳 北京市朝阳区高碑店华腾世纪总部公园D座3层
  • 联系: 王先生
  • 手机: 18811165157
  • 电话: 010-5715279
  • 一键开店

北京中科慧居科技有限公司是一家以嵌入式wifi、蓝牙无线模组为技术核心,提供物联网技术应用、产品研发以及整体解决方案的科技公司,公司成立于2015年,注册资金1000.00万元,现有员工20人。 公司的核心优势在于创业团队融合了中科院、北京科技大学等多方面科研人才和两个实验室资源,具备强大的技术研发能力和多个科研成果。整个技术团队均有从事物联网解决方案的经验,技术实力雄厚;另外经营管理团队成员均来自房地产企业,具有丰富的运营管理经验和资源整合能力。公司在物联网解决方案、智能家居、智慧停车等领域通过自主研发和科技成果转化,已研发出多款高科技智能产品。截至目前公司已累计申请了15项发明和新型专利,7项商标专利、4项软件著作权1项外观专利。 Beijing ZhongKeHuiJu Technology Co. Ltd, set up in 2015, is a company based on the core technology of embedded wifi and Bluetooth wireless module. We provide the application, development as well as overall solution of networking technology, with registered capital of 10 million yuan and 20 staff.The combination of scientific research personnel from Chinese Academy of Sciences and resources from two other national laboratory is our entrepreneurial team's core advantage, thus we arm with a strong technical research and development capabilities and a number of scientific research results. Every staff from the technical team is experienced and skillful with network solution. In addition, the management team members are derived from top real estate business, with the strong ability of operation management and resource combination. In the field of networking, smart home and smart parking, our company has developed several high-tech intelligent products through independent research and scientific achievement transformation. Up to now, our company has applied for a total of 15 inventions and new patents, 7 trademark patents, 4 software copyright and 1 appearance patent.



  • 主营: 车位锁
  • 地址: 北京 朝阳 北京市朝阳区高碑店华腾世纪总部公园D座3层
  • 联系: 王先生
  • 手机: 18811165157
  • 电话: 010-5715279
  • 本站共被浏览过 1836 次

